Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Chapter 1. The Eventful Start

Well! I had a crack at exploring this country, not just by visiting it as a tourist, but as a resident of the it. Yes! I am talking about living in Australia as a Permanent Resident (PR). I'll be recounting my story as it unfolded in the process of obtaining the PR and how I'm currently feeling and staying in this beautiful country.

Most often than not, we just see the brighter side of a story, because we want to feel motivated to move forward. I think at an emotional point of view it's a good thing to do. However, when you want to make a choice, try to gather as much information as possible before you make your big move.  As they say "Think well to be wise, and plan well to be wiser!"

I think I've had quite a few bitter-sweet moments so far to advice what you should/shouldn't do, to be wiser today :) in your preparation to visit and stay in Australia.

If you are one of those people who've done reasonably-to-extremely well in your home country and feel that you need to live in a developed country (for whatever reason you might have! Btw, I'll tell you why/or why not you should consider Australia as your choice), you might have explored options like Canada as well. There are few good reasons to explore Canada over Australia (I'll try to put my perspective over it later). We were a bunch of friends in India who one fine day thought of exploring the world, and went in the opposite directions of the 2-D world map :)

I'll start my story in the reverse chronological order. And boy!! what an eventful day it was when I landed back in Australia, this time with a job ;)

After, a longer than usual, journey starting from Pune -to- Delhi -to- Singapore -to- Syndey I thought of being a little enterprising and save some dollars and took Train/Bus journey instead of the expensive cab. Well! the public transport is very good and efficient in Sydney and adjoining suburbs, but, I was a bit nervous as I had big suitecase, one cabin baggage and a laptop bag to carry with me. But, yours truely was in full spirits and wanted to make a difference to self by saving money.

There I was, with my hefty luggage in the NSW trains. I got down at Wynyard Station, that's super busy during the rush hour, and took the connecting bus to my destination. You must be wondering how I knew about where's and how's of trains and bus!! There are few good applications like "Tripview", else there's ubiquitous Google maps that's always there as a guide!

So, here I was in the bus and things started getting interesting here. Bus, wasn't too crowded as such, but, I was overwhelmed with these three items that I was carrying and didn't know how to negotiate this stuff without causing much trouble to others. So, I took my laptop bag off and held a seat close to the driver holding the suitcases I had. The bus driver was quite friendly and suggested that I should put my suitcases at the disable friendly area by making the seats upright. I followed the instructions and continuously monitored the Google Map, so as not to miss my stop. And after a journey of 20 minutes I pressed the stop button to get down. I took my big suitcase, the smaller cabin baggage and hurried out of the bus. I thanked the driver and kept the Google Map busy, as I had to still walk to the place I was heading to (remember I'm at a new place, looking for a house I've never been to).

I navigated my way to the house I booked via AirBnb and was quite happy with my small victory of sorts (after all I had definitely saved close to $70 if not more). So, before knocking the door I thought I'll just put the luggage aside and breath a sigh of relief from this tiring journey. I kept the suitcases aside and reached out to take my laptop bag off my shoulders and felt a strange feeling of lightness around me. BAM!! where's my laptop bag??!!

Next up ....

-The Story of the LOST BAG!
-Finding job in Australia (from India)

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Chapter 3. The PR Application Process

This post sends us back to the time, when you need to prepare yourself to collect all the information you need to start the application pro...